Sunday, 28 April 2013

George Bush and How he Lingers

Bush Policies and a List of Accomplishments

NDAA a law that authorizes the president to issue arrest orders, detain and hold American citizens indefinitely with only suspicion of crimes.

Renewal of the Patriot Act-on May 26 2011 the president renewed this law which includes (among other things) roving wiretaps, access to private records, and the ability to conduct "necessary surveillance" on American citizens without their consent or knowledge.

Benghazi Embassy attack-on September 11 2012 militants took to the streets in Libya set on attacking the American Embassy.  The president claims that a youtube video was offensive to Muslims and that is the reason for the attack.  The maker of the short film was arrested without charges.  Days later the president admits that the attack was pending regardless of the youtube video.  While shrouded in a cloud of controversy the president and other members of the government have refused to provide an accurate chain of events which ultimately led to the deaths of four Americans in that attack.  A lawsuit is pending as of this moment in order to subpoena government officials.  Even though the government has admitted that the youtube video is not to blame the maker of the film is still in prison without charges.

Fast and Furious-U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder's secret mission to perform a sting on Mexican drug cartels.  Military grade weapons and full automatic rifles were sold and distributed to the Mexican drug cartels.  There were zero arrests made in this sting operation.  Mexican cartels then went on to murder citizens and others.

Executive order on Guns-Issued without Congressional approval.  Curtails the second amendment without a system of checks and balances.  While the constitution can be amended it requires a specific system and order of events for changes to take place.   An executive order while insufficient to overturn the constitution can still be written into law.

Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood with American tax dollars-the Muslim Brotherhood supports ideas that make women second class citizens and would either convert or kill those who do not adopt their religious beliefs.  While they are not officially recognized as a terrorist organization we should bear in mind neither is the KKK.  American tax dollars (roughly 250 million) have funded their war with organized governments in Egypt and Syria.

The infamous "Kill List"-the president has admitted that he keeps a running list of people that need to be terminated.  Yes, there are some U.S. citizens on the list.

U.S. Drone strikes used to kill American citizens without due process-according to the 5th amendment in the Bill of Rights no American is to be denied life liberty or property without due process (trial).  In Yemen three US citizens were killed via Drone strike by orders of the president.  Two weeks later a separate Drone strike killed another American citizen who was merely sixteen years old.  Not even old enough to be tried as an adult never mind executed.  All four were executed under suspicion of crime but with no trial.  While men went in to arrest or kill Osama Bin Laden the decision was made to execute these citizens without a trial by jury.  That's right we actually applied the proper procedure to a man who is supposedly responsible for three thousand deaths and denied that procedure to US citizens for mere suspicion of conspiracy to commit crimes.

This is the record of George Bush-the war criminal.  Well he WAS a war criminal I think we can all agree.  The thing about it is that this list?  These are some of the accomplishments of Barack Obama.  I think based on all this that the people who still stand with the president have to go through their rite of passage.  How it is that anyone can look at all of this and still think that this is proper conduct for a leader of the people is beyond me.  The president swears an oath to protect and defend the people's liberty when he is inaugurated as do all other public servants.  The government is supposed to serve the people an protect their liberties.  Economic policies aside can we really say that is true about the last 14 years?

Obama supporters need to make peace with the fact that his presidency is one of danger and seeks to limit the power and liberties of the American people while at the same time increasing the government's.  Thomas Jefferson so eloquently stated: "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry."  Now think about that for a moment.  Is it legal for any of us to kill another citizen without a legal process?  No we call it murder.  Is it legal for us to distribute guns freely amongst drug cartels in another country thus adding more disorder, mayhem and murder to their society?  No that violates many laws.  Is it legal for the citizens to deny an inquest into the deaths of others?  No it is obstruction of justice.  Is it legal for any citizen to give other people's money to another group without their consent or approval?  No we call that theft.  Is it legal for us to draw up laws that restrain our government and allow us to spy on and lock them up when they violate us?  Actually yes at one time we did have that power as citizens.  It has slowly since been weakened and possibly removed.

Now the fringe elements are going to say Obama is great no matter what he does even if he were to personally set fire to their home.  Such is this man's charisma.  Those with at least a shred of morality and common sense can admit that this is all pretty horrible.  As Mark Twain once said "It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."  I think the problem is that Obama attracts a certain mindset.  He campaigned under HOPE.  How vague can we be really?  The vagueness is completely on purpose.  Whatever your political fantasy and American utopia was "HOPE" encompassed it.  CHANGE-again it works under the same guise as HOPE.

What is sad about it is that people once really did believe in those mottos and virtues.  The problem is that they are still waiting.  Still waiting for their utopia.  Some have given up, others still cling to hope and further still others believe we are almost there.  If you think dropping missiles on Americans without due process is ok-you are HOPEless.  You go to bed saying well they deserved it and it won't happen to me.  Your selfishness belies the fact that it shouldn't happen to ANYONE.

Liberals still cling to the (D) after Obama's name but really that's all there is left.  These are not the actions of a liberal.  I thought wars, missiles, covering up deaths, gun running, overt murder of citizens, kill lists, snatching the power to lock up whoever they want...I thought these were all characteristics of the right?  Are you adopting them or just fooling yourself still?

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