Friday, 19 July 2013

Response to "Letter to All White People" This Is My Letter to SOME Black People

I am having a hard time watching my countrymen descend into madness over this Zimmerman trial.  Trayvon was shot and the outcry is that his shooter must be arrested.  NAACP and other organizations parachute into Florida and start demanding an arrest.  It's a funny thing when a group of people can point to a single person and say "violate HIS rights now" and the government listens.  They actually did it.  They listen and go arrest a man only because they are forced by organizations-not by justice or morality...they were bullied.  This must be that whole "blacks have no power and are ignored by the powers" thing I hear so much about.  But so be it.  (by the way this should be the first warning sign that this verdict will be an innocent one.  If the state thought they had a good case they would have arrested George before being bullied into it.)

So Florida grabs this Hispanic guy who has spent time with under privileged youths and offers him up to the mob.  In this country the individual is shielded by laws against vigilante justice and mob rule.  I know people think "Well if I get emotional and raise a stink-I should get what I want" wrong.  Being emotional does not make you right.  So what do we get-we get the million hoodie march and a bunch of brothers are hanging around buying up skittles and iced tea as if it will change anything.  It won't.  All it will do is make the companies who make hoodies skittles and iced tea richer.  That's it.  What are you trying to prove by buying food?  what does buying snacks have to do with...anything?  I haven't even gotten into the race bait that was thrown into this and how people are foaming at the mouth over it.  You'll want to hang around for that because it's a doozy ladies and gentlemen.

I see a lot of black folk throw racially charged debate around without a single peep from the PC crowd.  I think that's good I think PC is for no one.  With that said I am going to do the same thing these black folks are doing.  I am going to speak "out of bounds" beyond my race.  I am going to speak to black folks.  If they can tell me I am wrong I should be able to answer in a fair world.  None of you are going to like this.  But I dare you to tell me I am wrong.  Call me cracker honkey whatever but tell me what I am saying here is wrong-I dare you.

The utter hypocrisy my black brothers-the utter hypocrisy you display is blowing me and others away.  How on God's green Earth can you be this upset over the shooting of one man when your own brothers are shooting each other down in record numbers?  Oh yeah, it's a well known fact that a young black man's biggest enemy is another young black man.  You think I'm full of shit? who does the drive bys in your hood?  white people?  Who does the heated shootings because your girl is with another brother now?  White people?  Who does all those crips and bloods shootings? white people?  Shit, you know it deep down.

You stand there and scream when a hispanic man shoots a black but remain silent when Chicago violence has claimed hundreds of black lives this year alone.  How in the fuck can you be silent over that and when one dies in Florida all of a sudden "the whole country is racist?"  You are racist towards yourself brothers.  What you are saying is black life only matters and is only worth talking about when a non black takes that life.  YOU assign worth to yourselves by doing this.  You.  Black life is only worth something when a non black is involved in taking it-what a sad sack of shit.  I don't believe that for a second.  It isnt true but you-you're actions MAKE it true-and you do it to yourselves.  Or maybe you don't?

You see a lot of white folk with tons of honkey guilt come to the microphone and tell you to be upset.  They go so far as to tell you this man who shot our friend Trayvon is white.  He's as white as the "black" president most of you are so happy about.  So why isn't our president considered white, brothers?  Does it bother you or did you even know that George has black people in his very family?  Shit, does it even MATTER to you?  So the white people tell you to get mad-they even make up shit and send you out there and you go.  Like a slave you go.  Oh yeah I used that word-what do you call it when you do someone's work for no pay or benefit?

Yeah you still choose to be slaves to the white man because you do what he tells you to.  You go out there with your hoodie march and skittles making other people richer but shit why not just shine some fuckin shoes while you're out there doing the white man's work?  It's a lack of self respect brothers it's fucking embarrassing for you.  The buck dancing and shuck jiving the whites made you do back then for entertainment is replaced with this shit.  It's embarrassing brothers.  You believe black life is only worth protesting when a non black kills them.   You do what the white man tells you to-you even believe the white man's lie you convince yourself of it and act like a slave.

I see a lot of you saying stuff like "you're not black-you don't know" "white privilege" and all that kind of thing.  Let's start from the top.  I am not black I don't know what is like to be black-you're right.  But if you mean to tell me I can't observe and report you are saying I am stupid.  You are saying my opinion doesnt count BECAUSE I am white...but I'm racist.  You hear me brothers?  You hear how fucked up that is?  As far as white privilege goes when my taxes come in I pay the same as you-when I screw up at work I get fired like you.  When I go to the car dealership I do not get the "white discount" My credit card bill comes in every month and I have to pay it, I know this flies in the face of some of the shit you believe but now it's my turn-You're not white so you don't know.  When you say stuff like that what you are literally saying is "I am a victim and you dont know".  to that I say grow the fuck up we are all victims of something.

You think some shit happens to you just because you're black?  Probably, I wont deny EVERYONE in this country is free from racism.  But what the hell makes you think it's a one way street brothers?  I caught plenty of ass whoopins for being a little white boy in the hood where I grew up-oh yeah I only knew one other white kid.  You dont see me chanting about it or wrapping myself in it and saying feel bad for me.  You want to believe you're a victim? fine be weak but I aint having none of that and I won't feed that idea.  As I said we're all victims of something-pick your ass on up and get moving.  You can't blame the white folk for everything.

As I said who does the shooting in your hood?  When the police show up nobody says anything.  The code is "we take care of our own here"  Obviously not or else you wouldnt be shooting each other.  And when it happens and the police come it doesnt matter if the the police are white or black everyone shuts up.  How the fuck do you expect justice and arrests when no one says anything?  These killers stay on the loose and the only option you leave your community is to have another killer take him out.  But he's still a killer-still a bad man so it fixes nothing.  Wouldnt you rather tell the police and have arrests instead of more deaths?  Even anonymous tip lines-no one calls.  "No snitching" another invention you created that helps keep your own kind down brothers.  Come on man.  You sit there and say "There's a gun store on every corner".  You are right-I looked it up-you are right.  Gun stores are concentrated in your hoods.

My next question is who is MAKING you shoot each other?  The white man?  The white man is putting his hand around yours and pulling the trigger?  come on brothers you know that shit aint the truth.  Same thing with the drugs.  The white man may be dropping it off in your hood but who is selling to HIS OWN PEOPLE?  You sell your own people out for petty cash and say there aint no other way.  Shit, I know believe me I know.  I have been in those jobs and compared to the drug money it isnt anything.  But you forget you sell yourselves out when you enter the drug trade.  Even this cubby hole was your own doing.

Back in the civil rights era there were riots in your hoods.  Riots where some really bad shit happened.  White people who had the means and money (because they didnt come from generations of slaves) picked up and got out of town.  They took their businesses, stores, money and everything else they could with them.  This left a vacuum, a lot of empty stores rental property etc.  So what happened?  Walk through your neighborhood and count the businesses and restaurants owned by Koreans, Laotians, and other Asians.  You didnt capitalize on the situation.  Whitey owed you something.  Rather than move in on the property and make the moves to a better waited-for what?  I hear the bullshit about why there are few black owned businesses in the hood-they say "We don't/didn't want to play the white man's game"  Making money for yourself is not playing anybody's game but your own.  How is it playing the white man's game if you are black, own a store, sell goods and services at a fair price to other blacks and give black people in your community more jobs?  Nah, this aint the white man's fault-you are just claiming victim-someone owes me something and even if I fuck up I'll just stand on my "blackness" and say it's because I wasn't going to play the white man's game.

it sounds good to some folks I guess.  But if you were for all things black again how is owning a business and empowering your black community with jobs NOT for all things black?  The white folks and the money have left your communities because of riots so now after Trayvon we want more riots?  Brothers you only break and destroy your own buses, houses, and schools.  It isnt like you roll into the suburbs and start trashing white people's stuff-no you trash your own to prove a who-to the white man?  He laughs at you when you do this.  You don't want to be feared or thought of as a savage but the minute you hear something you dont like your leaders and white slave masters order you to destroy and you do.  But don't think of us as irrational, angry, and violent.  You shouldnt be afraid of us when walking down a dark alley.  Shit I am with you I fear no man but other people? they see all this shit on tv and what are they supposed to think?  They see you choosing to do this to yourselves, shit it doesnt get more irrational brothers.

I will bear no responsibility for this shit anymore.  You have been blaming the white man while breaking your own communities and killing each other.  I will no longer feel guilty for the actions of others.  It is fucking heart breaking-and I mean that word.  It is heart breaking to see this happen.  You are being manipulated by charlatans and slave masters and you don't even see it or want to see it.  I have been brought to tears over this.  We will never have togetherness and unity as long as we resist the truth.


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