Monday, 8 April 2013

The DNC Hates You-All Of You

The DNC and Your Constitutional Rights

      When was the last time you heard anyone at the DNC make a plea to any government body or individual about the violation of our citizens' constitutional rights?  Apart from a few brave souls who hung on with Rand Paul at his recent filibuster nothing else comes to mind.  We have to go back to Bush days for that.  Back then the DNC were right, the Bush administration violated a lot of constitutional rights.  Somehow when their man does it-we should all just "accept it" or believe whatever bogus reason that is given about it being ok.  The reason being is that at this point in time the DNC has slowly integrated unconstitutional ideas into their creed and many of them probably don't even know it.  Over time they have adopted a fierce stance against personal property, aid for non tax payers (with tax payer funds), and often are hostile to the 2nd amendment (2A).  The DNC is a good example about how an entity can be infiltrated and a misinformation campaign can bring about significant change over time.

     In its inception the DNC championed the working man on the docks and entrepreneur.  It lasted up until I'd say the 50's.  Often they drew up labor bills protecting American workers from brutal hours and slave wages.  They fought hard for consumer protections and fairness in the marketplace.  It is amazing that we have come from this end to one of an open war against wealth and possessions.  Often the DNC champions the welfare system and unemployment as necessary devices for a prosperous nation.  I'm not here to debate whatever results good, bad, or ugly.  I am however to make it clear that these are unconstitutional ideas.  The 5th states that a citizen cannot be denied their property without due process.  When we are lucky enough to earn a paycheck these days; money (apart from taxes and oh how we call our special interests taxes in order to make an idea constitutionally correct on paper) is torn out of it without our consent or approval and sent to someone else who someone somewhere by some means deems "needs it more".  There is no counter argument.  My property has been denied without my consent.  The DNC has very low faith in turning the welfare system into a private industry but many charities and organizations exist and run very effectively in this country.  A nice side note is that most have no shortage of funds either.  Any member of the DNC who are afraid of a privatized welfare system crumbling needs to punch the data on the relief efforts of natural disasters and exactly how much is donated by private citizenry.  Roughly 30% of the money that goes into the welfare system goes to pay the workers in that system.  This is pilfering off of pilfered funds.  Amazing.  Also we need to remember that we often hear of wealthy families donating half or more of their money to a foundation in America.  It is fairly often we see it floating around on facebook or even the news.  This is something I have yet to hear our friends in Europe do.  You know Europe that place that we are often told is the model of the world?

     For whatever reason the DNC champions non tax payers.  Those who do not pay into the system that protects our rights.  I shouldn't say "whatever reason" the reason is like any other political party-they want the votes.  This is a form of exploitation and preying on the weak.  You throw a few food stamps at them which won't pull them out of poverty while saying "courtesy of the DNC" with a wink and nod.  Mind you these folks do not pay into the system that we have.  Roads, military, education etc.  they get to use those for free. The fact is the DNC believes many mega corporations escape taxes and they hate them for it.  I mean H-A-T-E.  If a poor strawberry picker escapes taxes "he needs to" and you're beating up on him if you question it.  This doesn't change the fact that the strawberry picker is getting free use of public facilities.  A tax dodge of 10 billion or 10 dollars is still a tax dodge.  It's cool that we can make exceptions where appropriate for votes though.

        When was the last time anyone got to a DNC dinner for free?  You know one of those political fund raisers that cost a few grand a plate?  (the same ones the RNC has and they scream "rich people!")  That's not ok no one should get that for free but if someone is getting something for "free" on tax payer dime that is just dandy.  The hypocrisy and double standards are mind blowing when you really analyze it.  Our constitution does not apply to citizens of France, Japan, Australia or anywhere else outside of U.S. soil.  Somehow these folks who are not citizens should get the same rights as you and I without having paid a cent into the system that protects these ideals.  If you haven't figured out this idea is unconstitutional yet please stop reading this.

    The DNC is no fan of guns for the most part this is obvious.  Any sixth grader who has read the constitution wouldn't join up with the likes of Feinstein.  Does it scare you how much support she has?  It should.  Since the DNC has long thrown out most of the constitution in place of other values they more or less invented they think nothing of encroaching on or removing rights that we need as citizens.  The haughtiness that they feel they know how to run a citizenry better than men who truly suffered at the hands of a king is nothing short of an insult to the average American.  It doesn't end there though.  If they feel a part of the constitution is invalid-so should you.  Sadly for them it does not work that way.  Most in the DNC believe we operate as a democracy-we don't.  We are a republic...Google it-I'll wait. Yeah, how about that?  But it's hard to admit that when their rival has the word "republic" in it.  So we start a misinformation campaign saying we are a democracy...Democratic party-get it?  The same thing is happening here.  While we coddle gays, minorities, and women gun owners can all go jump off a cliff.  What's that?  What if you are a gay or female gun owner?  You can still jump off a cliff.  The coddling is sold out in favor of demonizing gun owners and instilling fear into non owners.  For a party that supports "the right to choose" they sure seem to want to remove an awful lot of choices for me where the second amendment is concerned.  One of the choices some in the DNC want to remove is my choice to even have the ability to defend myself and family.  Choice is only for a woman if you are a man who wants a gun go get bent oh and if you're a woman who wants a gun follow the man and get bent if you want an abortion along the way that's cool.  We will not however support killing a mugger in self defense-the baby is a the bigger threat to society.

     Money and possessions are also a target for the DNC.  As mentioned they feel entitled to your money to give to others for votes.  This is thievery and bribery all in one act.  When a corporation bribes the government with its profit it is wrong we can agree-but when the DNC bribes the poor with YOUR money it isn't a bribe but "help" or "aid".  This is supposed to be ok by the way.  Somehow they can't hold themselves to the same standards they do others.  I suppose the thing that makes me most sad about the DNC is that they quickly rush to demonize or belittle anyone who does not walk lock step with their new age values.  The problem is that while everyone knows the age old battle between republicans and democrats (and most of us are thoroughly sick of it by now) they fight Libertarians and Constitutionalists as well.  Their misinformation campaign is very strong and normally I wouldn't care but because they wish to replace portions of the constitution (or as a whole in some cases) it makes them dangerous.  We can make amends to the constitution so long as it makes the citizenry more free and/or restricts the size and role of the government in daily life.  These however are not the changes they wish to make.

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