Thursday, 18 April 2013

Gay Rights and the God Argument

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; ...." --Declaration of Independence as originally written by Thomas Jefferson, 1776. ME 1:29, Papers 1:315

So our right to pursue happiness comes from God.  Being with someone you love and sharing in their life is truly a happy act.  I can attest to that as a married man myself.  So let me ask directly-where does the garbage of 'gays shouldn't get married' come from and what makes it a legit stand point in this country?  Well it isn't a legit argument.  Let's dissect this shall we?

The government cannot take away certain inalienable rights.  Only God can.  This was set up by the founders for just such an instance.  Certain private issues should not and cannot be regulated by government.  So already we're off to a bad start.  The government is wrong and is depriving a certain group of rights for no reason.  Honestly the government has never said "gays cannot be married and here's why..."  So without even so much as a bogus reason a group is being denied their God given rights. Strike one for government control.

What's that?  Ok keep your voice down-shouting God hates fags as loud as you can does get your point across but it also makes you look all the more silly because you are wrong.  Bible verse this bible verse that says "God hates gays".  Well ok let me ask you this-If only God can remove the ability to be happy (or married in this case) and he hates gays than there is NO way they can get married-right?  So how come they can in some states?  If God was against gay marriage there would be no gay married couples.  An omnipotent being with unlimited power somehow cannot prevent a group he despises from gaining something he does not want them to have?  I'm not trying to be blasphemous here-I am being logical.  I believe in and love God but I think we can agree that if he is infallible there would be no way for gays to get married-ever.  The fact that it exists in some states and those couples haven't keeled over from a plague of some sort is either a miracle or God has somehow forgotten to smite them.  In either case it's ridiculous for a being with unlimited power to allow something as trivial as this.  Could it be that he loves these people like you believe he loves you?

If you don't think that is true either than your god sucks.  Sorry but he does.  My God loves everyone-believers, non believers, blacks whites, gays straights, come one come all he loves all of you.  Somehow if you have sex with the wrong person he will hate you.  Does this make sense?  Does God REALLY care about our sexuality and what pleases us physically?  Bible verse this and bible verse that is probably the response.  Well, I do think that God wants us to be good and nice to each other and not swindle and murder our neighbors.  In short I believe God does wish that we didn't harm one another.  How does consensual sex among legal adults hurt anyone?  If it does not pick someone's pocket or break their leg there is no real harm only disapproval from those who do not understand.  Disapproval or discomfort is all relative and not grounds to claim it effects your life.

The God argument fails.  The government argument fails.  It all fails in the end and do you know why?  Because gays are born as human beings and unless you think they are inhuman they get the same protections we offer straight folks.  The right to be free and pursue happiness.  They get that God given right and he has yet to take it away.  When you make the claim that they somehow don't have this you are literally saying one group is superior to another.  Are you really as so bold and arrogant to claim this?  If you are against gay marriage you want to deny a fellow American of God given rights-even you can realize your power does not supersede God's and his wishes.

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