Sunday, 14 April 2013

The reason for force


You are walking with your friends down a road.  The concert got out late and you seem to be the only ones who parked so far away in this direction.  As your group approaches the car a few men stand up-previously hidden by other parked cars.  They produce knives and handguns and tell you that you are now being robbed.  Wallets, and car keys are to be handed over if you want to make it home tonight.

This one example encompasses all that is control in our existence as humans.

Our society is based on two methods of coercion.  Reason and force.  That is it, there is no other way you can gain results from another in our society without using one of the two.  It is fairly simple.  If I want to gain anything from you I must convince you and you must agree to do it.  The other option is that I must threaten you with violence and indeed make good on that promise if you refuse and take what I want from you.

Typically when a person or entity wants something of you they ask first.  Seldom do citizens catch beatings out of nowhere for no reason. The reason being is that your capitulation makes the violator's job that much easier.  He gained what he wanted and didn't even need to expend any energy.  The myth out there is that criminals are these master minds who play games with police and are often too clever to be contained.  That they will use clever mind games in order to trick you.  The reality is 99% of crime in this country is perpetrated by the inherently stupid.   Poorly educated, apathetic of almost everything, and thoughtless.  These folks don't exactly think ahead when they choose to do something bad.  Even these folks will use words to gain what they want from you first.  That is how basic the notion is.

Force often results from resistance to reason.  We deem the demands to be in fact unreasonable and the confrontation escalates to its next logical level: Force.  There is a small chance the violator will concede the confrontation when his use of "reason" is resisted but not often.  Force is the measure of punishment applied by the violator to the victim.  The use of force against the innocent is a true act of a superiority complex and arrogance.  I deserve what you have-you have denied it so now I have the right to harm you.  That is the mindset of those who perpetrate these crimes.

However we are seeing a clever adaptation of this societal truth.  When a larger entity like a government wants something of its citizenry it first asks.  Remember it is the easiest way to attain results also it is guaranteed SOME people will do it.  When the results prove to be less than hoped the ask turns to a demand.  You must comply-it is for your benefit.  Again some will bend out of fear.  If the result is STILL not good enough they move to threats.  You must comply or we will punish you.  Even more will bend from fear and if the result is still not what they had hoped they must now apply said punishment or risk appearing as a false authority.  The punishment will be carried out in most cases.  The force of this equation will now be applied.

The reason why this method has evolved is that it causes less alarm.  We now accept this as a societal norm and not what it is-a bully tactic.  If the government were simply to go from asking and then to force we would not tolerate it as citizens.  So what we have seen is a tactic of control and coercion.  By adding steps to the process it helps perpetrate the myth that these steps are lawful and just.  The misinformation campaign is so successful that some are beginning to believe in and make excuses for this method.  Let us personalize this shall we?

If I want all of you money and I ask for it you will more than likely deny me.  A few days go by.  I return and  ask for your money-you deny me.  I then in the same conversation demand that you do it-you deny me yet again.  I return in a week's time and this time I tell you that if you do not surrender all of your money I will take it and kill you instead.  You resist me and I leave.  I return yet again and bring a gang.  We shoot everyone in your home and take all of your possessions.

How is this a legal process?

Granted a crime is not truly committed until threats are made however as mentioned we tolerate it from our authority.  We are threatened with arrest for not complying with officers even if we ourselves have committed no crime.  We are threatened with being stripped of our constitutional rights if we join up with groups the government has deemed dangerous.  Never mind that the government is bound by a process that prevents it from denying us of ANYTHING before proving guilt of a crime.    It is only when you believe a power over you is absolute that it is.  Without your consent an authority can only harm you-it can never control you.

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