Sunday, 11 August 2013

You Don't NEED a Gun; You Need Your Second Amendment

Public safety.  That is the lie we are fed when politicians are against the second amendment.  If law makers and politicians were so concerned with saving lives they would be legislating other issues that claim more lives every year than gun use.  If I were the moral crusader these folks pretend to be I would start with making automobiles safer and go from there-who am I kidding?  I'd take on Big Pharma but then again if they made me rich through bribes I may be less inclined but I digress.

A well organized militia being necessary the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed...

Bear means carry-sorry folks it does.  Get a dictionary if need be.  The reason why it was written this way was because our founders were quite aware of this notion of "bad people".  Bad people can be anything from your petty thief to a tyrannical government that employs the guillotine on folks they don't like.  So this amendment is meant to keep the bad people in check and the good guys breathing.  You would think everyone could agree this is a good thing.  You would be wrong.

Often times states rule that citizens cannot carry guns.  Police still can and police are well, after all is said and done...citizens.  So the right is treated like a privilege.  The state gets to pick and choose who gets this privilege like any sort of government "for" the people.  As long as you serve the state you are rewarded with "rights" that never belonged to the government for them to be able to take away in the first place!  We are told this has to happen in the name of public safety.  I cannot carry a gun but if a man is attacking me I should call a man with a gun to help me?  How does this keep me safe exactly?  Or even make sense?

I'm not going to waste time with other examples as to how the reason of public safety being nonsense.  No, let me tell you why some politicians want people to leave their guns home.  It would mess up the status quo.  Imagine a society where everyone of responsible age were armed.  Imagine this society watching the police shooting dogs or beating a man in handcuffs.  How long do you think this behavior would last before the public began pulling their guns and possibly firing at corrupt cops?

How many attempted assaults would end in dead criminals?
Unless you have been living under a rock you already know that jail is big business.  This country and private companies make a lot of money off sending people to prison.  If these folks died instead of being jailed the state would lose money.  Yes we need victims; people like you and me to suffer physically for the state to make money-shitty huh?  We're a cash commodity.  If we were able to defend ourselves it would result in less criminals and criminals stimulate the economy through the hiring of lawyers and so forth.  So there's that.

Guns grant physical power and thus carry immense moral responsibility. I do not advocate violence but I often hear from the anti gunners "Those who live by the sword die by the sword"  This is more crap that people don't understand.  What it literally means is anyone who lives a violent life is likely to die a violent death.  It is a warning to avoid crime and violence.  It does not mean if you own a "sword" you will likely be killed by one.  Live BY the sword...not those who own a sword.  Nice try.

Speaking of those who live by the sword... if the police were surrounded by armed citizens they would not be physically powerful.  They would be what they are designed to be.  Investigators and law enforcers.  Instead we are seeing police being gifted military surplus weapons and vehicles.  HUMVEEs and military grade rifles (often times the public is disallowed from owning the very same weapons-remember police serve the state so they get more rights than you.)  We are seeing a society that is not only obeying these false powers being "granted" to police but those who wish to give them even MORE power.  Let me remind everyone reading this that in 2005 The supreme court of the United States ruled that police are not and let me repeat that...are not installed for public safety but rather to uphold the law.  So these weapons and vehicles are not meant for your safety...

I am not allowed to carry a gun and the police are not responsible for my day to day safety-so how does this idea serve the interest of my safety again?  Who the hell is supposed to keep me safe then if I am not allowed to?  Are you starting to get the feeling that the government doesn't care about our physical well being?

An armed citizenry would regulate itself-it would render some positions of control obsolete.  This cannot happen since the powers that be are ever hungry for more.  So instead of obeying the foundation of this country and protecting my rights like they swore to do they tell me and everyone else "You havent deserved it" (my personal favorite) "why do you need (specific gun accessory or rifle?)" or according to states like California who literally say "it's too dangerous" yes folks exercising rights is too dangerous so they will just be stripped by your government for your own good of course (Also remember the government says it is not their responsibility for your safety ha-ha nice one guys).  Maybe one day our first amendment will be deemed too dangerous and simply removed?

The idea is to make the citizenry accepting of power.  Why do you think King George wanted to confiscate the guns in America?  A populace without arms is much easier to control and accepting of brutality and ill treatment.  I don't envision death camps or anything like that but let us peek out our window and see the police checkpoints, stop and frisk, NSA roving wire taps the list goes on.  Fishing for crime before it is committed is explicitly forbidden by our country's laws.  When the government is ignoring laws meant to keep the public safe from it-only bad things will follow.  Physical enforcing of these unconstitutional ideas seems plausible since there may be pockets or individual confrontations where folks resist.

What blows my mind is that some people are not only anti gun but also pro government power.  Two things America was never designed to be.  The truth is those who spout this nonsense are weak timid people who fear confrontation and want the government to keep them safe.  As we have seen the government could give less than a rat's ass about our safety.  They only want control.  By surrendering rights to them that are not theirs to take we consent to this perversion and enslavement of our minds.  The gun, the ultimate symbol of individual responsibility is rejected by a populace and government who wants nothing more than assimilation.